Title Image Modp3 - Amiga Mods as Mp3s, png image
Amiga Speakers Image - Amiga Mods as Mp3s, anim gif 203x54 6KB

Overcharge by Roberts 8bit, 4 channel! What more do you want? There are so many great amiga mods out there that i still love to listen to. ModP3 hopes to make some of these more accessible and available to the wider amiga community in mp3 format.

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123 ROBERTS - Overcharge [1994]

3 part tune, first section has plenty of harmonic keyboards and maybe an accordion thrown in there, blows out some cobwebs in the 2nd section as he steps up the pace, final 45sec softens down to the finish. Great selection of samples used here and love the way Roberts does drumming in this mod.

Group: Beta Team
Duration: 06:09
Bitrate: 192 kbit/s
Genre: Jazz+Funk
Upped by: PigSticker
External Links: Goto AMP and view more mods by Roberts
Mp3 8,646 KB (595)
Mod 346 KB (419)
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