Title Image Modp3 - Amiga Mods as Mp3s, png image
Amiga Speakers Image - Amiga Mods as Mp3s, anim gif 203x54 6KB

Apocalypse by Jesper Kyd 8bit, 4 channel! What more do you want? There are so many great amiga mods out there that i still love to listen to. ModP3 hopes to make some of these more accessible and available to the wider amiga community in mp3 format.

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119 JESPER KYD - Apocalypse [19xx]

This has nothing to do with the Apocalypse tune he made for the game Hitman: Blood Money (Brilliant BTW) but a much older tune from around 1990 but dont know for sure. Has some nice synths used, solid drum selection and has that space journey feel to it.

Group: Silents
Duration: 06:56
Bitrate: 192 kbit/s
Genre: Synth
Upped by: PigSticker
External Links: Goto AMP and view more mods by Jesper Kyd
Mp3 9,756 KB (895)
Mod 119 KB (551)
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